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Stronger Kids eBook Free Download

Stronger Kids eBook

Holistic approach to an active and healthy lifestyle for your and all children.

Table Of Contents:

Chapter 1:
Strong Kids Basics

Chapter 2:
Child  Obesity Is A Serious Issue

Chapter 3:
The Benefits Of An Active Lifestyle

Chapter 4:
Shut Off  The TV And Video Games

Chapter 5:
Outdoor Activities For Your Kids

Chapter 6:
Keep An Eye On Nutrition 

About Book:

Strong  kids  do  not  just  appear  to  be  so  overnight.  There  is  a  lot  of
effort and some genes that contribute to the strong and healthy body
conditions  of  a  kid.  Introducing  exercise  regimens  that  include  some
cardio workouts and weight lifting is not necessarily a negative thing
to do, and neither will it hamper the growth of the kid in any way.

Few Screenshots of the eBook:

Child Obesity Is A Serious Issue 

 Serious Issue

 The Benefits Of An Active Lifestyle

 Staying Active

Shut Off The TV And Video Games 

Change It

Outdoor Activities For Your Kids

Keep An Eye On Nutrition

 More Info




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