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Indoor Toddler Activities eBook Free Download

Indoor Toddler Activities eBook

About Book:

The best thing you can do to help your toddler learn is to spend time with them and encourage them to play in lots of different ways.

It is very important that your child actively plays every day so where possible, head outside and enjoy the fresh air.  This is not always possible though for some people who live in city apartments or in times of poor weather.  ‘Indoor Toddler Activities’ are designed to stimulate ideas for parents to encourage creative and brain developing play while indoors.

Many of these activities may appear to be parent directed. Where possible, try to follow your toddler’s lead and use the activities to gently guide and inspire your toddler.  Parents can begin an idea and stimulate a playful concept and then take a step back and watch their toddler’s imagination go wild.

Please always ensure you supervise your toddler and be mindful of the play materials you choose to use.  Keep a watchful eye on water activities and small parts to ensure they don’t go in mouths or stuck anywhere they’re not supposed to go!

‘Indoor Toddler Activities’ are suggestions only so feel free to adapt them to meet your needs, resources and circumstances.

Table of Contents:

How the ‘Indoor Toddler Activities’ by Brainy Bambino help your toddler:

  1.  Body coordination, posture, flexibility and balance;
  2.  Fun and relaxation;
  3.  Increased self esteem;
  4.  Healthy heart and lungs;
  5.  Learning to play with others and make friends.
  6.  Fine motor coordination
  7.  Encourages creativity
  8.  Artistic techniques
  9.  Language skills
  10.  Rhythm and coordination
  11.  Builds concepts such as texture, volume and size.
  12.  Makes sense of surroundings.
  13.  Helps relax and express feelings.
  14.  Enhances imagination.
  15.  Learns about how people act in different situations.
  16.  Practices dressing themselves, doing up zips and buttons etc.
  17.  Encourages expression of ideas, thoughts and feelings.
  18.  Introduces letters, words and numbers.
  19.  Encourages problem solving.
  20.  Encourages cooperating, waiting turns and learning about rules.
  21.  Develops spatial awareness.
  22.  Encourages the use of social skills.
  23.  Develops independence.
  24.  Increases concentration.
  25.  Increases visual memory.
  26.  Encourages problem-solving skills.


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