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How To Talk To Kids-Sensitive Issues eBook FREE Download

How To Talk To Kids-Sensitive Issues eBook


About Book:

Talking with kids involves many things, the use of words (what we say and how we say it), ideas and feelings.  We communicate in different ways such as with words (kind, unkind, assertive, gentle), with looks (scowls, smiles, frowns), with silence (warm, cold and comfortable), and actions (hugs, slaps, kisses, patting).
Many adults do not have trouble communicating with kids when it simply involves giving directions or instructions (how to ride a bike) or explaining things (why that house caught on fire).  They often have difficulty communicating when feelings are involved, be it their kids feelings or their own.
Being able to effectively talk with kids helps to develop warm relationships, cooperation and healthy self-esteem.
Parents struggling to communicate with their kids often leads to conflicts and bickering, kids who simply "switch off" and have low self worth.
As a teacher, I have had many parents and friends approach me for some strategies to use at home to better connect and talk with their kids.  I have included in this book many ideas to try, which has worked well for me.
The strategies I suggest in this book will be helpful and suited to many  children, but of course all kids have different needs so you will need to improvise and add details where you feel appropriate.  I have written this book as a resource guide for talking with kids about sensitive issues and also to give you a starting point.
Talking with your kids in my opinion is the only way you can ensure that they are learning the correct information and the values you wish to instill.  You need to be consistent, reliable and open to discussion as much as you possibly can.
The world we live in is constantly changing and evolving.  We need to try to help our kids comprehend various issues that even we sometimes struggle to understand.
Any time that a child is curious enough to ask a question, it becomes a teachable moment for us to take advantage.  Although we may find some issues difficult to explain, we must try.  If we want our kids to remain motivated to come to us to ask questions, we must keep the lines of communication open and offer answers. 
Kids want their parents to talk to them about even the toughest issues.  They need to have a caring parent who they can depend on for information for many years to come.
If children are old enough to ask a question, then they are old enough to know the correct answers and correct words.  The degree of details you give should be modified according to their age and maturity level.  After all, we need to keep in mind that when kids ask us questions about sensitive issues, they are often looking for two things in particular, reassurance and information they can comprehend. 
For example, when young children ask us why two people died in a car accident, we need to explain the short and simple facts then follow up with the emotional side of things – that accidents don't always happen to everyone and that they are safe.  We shouldn't overwhelm them with details that will only frighten them.
So let's get started.  I will cover a large amount of information and tips throughout this book for you to take on board.  I hope you find it a useful and valuable resource.

Table of Contents

Chapter One
10 Essential Discussion Tips For All Sensitive Issues...….…6

Chapter Two
How To Talk To Kids About Sex…………….….………………9

Chapter Three
How To Talk To Kids About Death………………...………….17

Chapter Four
How To Talk To Kids About Divorce………………....……....23

Chapter Five
How To Talk To Kids About Violence……………....…………26

Chapter Six
How To Talk To Kids About Alcohol & Drugs…....…….……30

Chapter Seven
How To Talk To Kids About HIV/AIDS……………….………33

Chapter Eight
How To Talk To Kids About Tragedies In The Media…...….35

Chapter Nine
How To Help Kids Cope With Homesickness……….…...….37

Chapter Ten
How To Prepare Kids For A New Baby…..…….………...….42

Chapter Eleven
How To Teach Your Kids About Tolerance………………………………...…..…….………...….45


Bonus Report 1 - How To Talk Teach Your Kids About Money.………………………………………………………..…49

Bonus Report 2 – How To Help Kids Cope With Moving….51

Bonus Report 3 – 20 Ways To Talk So Your Kids Will

Bonus Report 4 – How To Talk To Kids About The Death Of A Pet…………………………………………………………….62


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